Today for the middle block I choose a game called Mathopolis Quiz. How do you play this game? Well it will give you some equations on Ratios and all you have to do is just to get the right answer. I found this pretty hard but I was able to learn a strategy on how to solve ratios which made the equations way more easier to me. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment down below.
I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 6 and my teacher is Miss Donaldson.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Mathopolis Quiz
Mathopolis Quiz,
Middle Block,
Today for the middle block my class and I got to choose out of 4 games based on Ratios. I choose this game called Ratio Blaster . So on the lazer it will give you a Ratio and then you have to shoot the one you think is the same as the number on your laser. I found this task pretty easy, however I am still learning on how to solve ratios. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment down below.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Rounding Decimals Numbers
Today for the morning session my partner and I created a DLO based on rounding decimals. I found this task easy to do and the strategies I have learnet is going to help me a lot with these kind of equations.
Morning Session,
Rounding Decimals Numbers
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Rounding Large Numbers-DLO
Today for the middle block I created a DLO based on how to round large numbers by using the numbers from my follow up. I found this task pretty easy to do because everytime I explain about Rounding Large Numbers I have a better understanding on how to do it.
Middle Block,
Rounding Large Numbers-DLO
Monday, 22 October 2018
Rounding Large Numbers
Today for the morning session my maths group and I did a maths game that helped us with rounding numbers. This game will give you a number and suggestions on what you think what makes that number that they have given you. I found this task pretty difficult however I was able to get help to understand this more better. If you would like to play the game here is the link
Morning Session,
Rounding large numbers
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Steps on how to play rounding games
Today for maths and I created a DLO that explained the steps of the games I played based on rounding numbers and decimals. These 2 games helped me a lot and I am sure that it will help you as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment down below.
WALT:round large numbers + decimals
Today for the morning block my class and I did a game that helped us with rounding decimals. This task was pretty difficult for me but at the end I had a better understanding with what rounding decimals are. I admit that I actually didn't understand some of the questions however I was able to get help on understanding how to play the game and strategies on how to get the answer.
Today for the morning session I played another game that helped me with rounding large numbers. This task for me was pretty easy however hard at the same time. I think I did well, but I still got a lot to learn on rounding large numbers.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Austria opinion
A teacher in another school has recently blogged that:
“Students don’t learn much playing this game called Astria – Countdown to Impact: Their time could be better spent doing other things”.

This game may just be about finding clues and inferences but it has taught me some new words, for example I didn't know the word schematic until this game taught me it was a word for a detailed plan. Even though I have learnt new vocabulary, there wasn't that much questions asking about vocabulary, for example,what is the definition of a word or what's another word for this word.
Even though I only played this for an hour I have gained more knowledge by a collaborative effort.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
WALT: form our own opinion after considering both sides of the story
In this task we learned to understand that some people agree with the strike and disagree. What I did here was a powtoon based on 2 people arguing about the teachers strike. 1 person agreeing with the strike and another disagreeing. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment down below.
Hope you enjoy it!
Monday, 20 August 2018
Double Exposure
Double Exposure
What I did here was I took a photo of myself in black and white. I then looked for a pattern photo to put on top of my photo of myself. Then I had to change the brightness to lighten and the same thing when you do your contrast. If you will like to know more info about how to make one or even create your own click on this link.
Double Exposure,
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Teachers Strike
Today my partner and I made a DLO about why New Zealand teachers are striking. We support them 100% with their choice to do a strike because they know what's best for us students and how they can make teaching easier. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to comment down below.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Persuasive language and speeches
Today my group and I did a DLO on finding persuasive language in Emma Watson speech. We explained the acronym that helped us find persuasive language which was FORREST. We found this task pretty easy to do and learned more about find persuasive language in a speech.
Emma watson,
Persuasive language,
Thursday, 26 July 2018
WALT:understand how to use FORREST to persuade.
Today we created a DLO based on the acronym FORREST.
FORREST stands for
Rhetorical Question
Emotive Language
Three (groups of)
We explained the meaning to each subject with an example. We found this task very easy because we were able to work as a team and as we finished off the work we had a better understanding of FORREST. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to leave a comment down below.
WALT:use FORREST to have a persuasive conversation
Today we did a fake text conversation by using FORREST to have a persuasive conversation.
FORREST stands for:
Rhetorical question
Emotive language
Three (Groups of)
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
WALT: find the value of unknown sides to find the areas of a rectangle
Today for maths my partner and I did a DLO on finding values of the unknown sides and area. We found this pretty easy to solve but hard to explain. We have a better understanding on how to use this strategy and will definitely help us when we have a test.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Collaborative Problem Solving
Today for the Morning session my partner and I did a DLO on our collaborative problem solving. We found this pretty easy because we were able to read the problem and figure out the easiest strategy to use to solve the problem. We have done many DLO's but from our prospective this was our best work yet.
Collaborative Problem solving,
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Digital Scavenger Hunt: Tourism NZ
This is a scavenger hunt activity I created about tourism in the South Island. We needed to know about reliability to do this task because we needed to make sure our information was coming from reliable websites.
You can also complete the scavenger hunt by clicking here.
scavenger hunt
Monday, 28 May 2018
Collaborative Mystery Solving
WALT: Work collaboratively to solve a mystery
Today for the middle block we created a DLO on our Collaborative Mystery Solving. We did this by using clues and accusations to state whether if he was guilty or involved in the crime. We found this task pretty easy but hard at the same time because we had some arguments about certain people, however we were able to get it done and over with.
Collaborative Mystery Solving,
Sunday, 27 May 2018
WALT:Solve word problems using the best strategy we know
Today for the morning session my friend and I did a DLO on our Collaborative Problem Solving.We found this pretty easy because we were able to read the question and understand what problem it was if it was addition, subtraction and so on.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
WALT-understand new vocabulary
Today for the middle session I had to read a story and for the words that I did not know or didn't understand I had to write 3 new vocabulary and I had to find out what was the meaning to that word and put it into one whole sentence. I found this task pretty easy because I was able to find out what the word meant and I was able to get my work done with.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Why people visit New Zealand
WALT:understand why tourists come to NZ
Today we started our inquiry topic for this term. This terms topic is tourism in New Zealand. For this activity we had to come up with ideas for reasons why tourists come to New Zealand. Not only that we also had to group them into categories.
Why people visit New Zealand,
Monday, 30 April 2018
Prototec 5/1/18
Today for maths my group and I did a prototec. I am happy on the score I got because I got 97% which means I got 39/40. I know that prototec helps me with my maths and I know as I keep on doing it I can get 100% next time. I know for a fact I need to practice my percentages more, however I know next time I will do so much better.
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Prototec 4/30/18
First day of school and my first prototec of the term. I know for myself that this wasn't my best work but I know I can do better next time. Prototec helps me with my fractions,addition,subtraction, and so on, however it helps me a lot when I apply it to my school work or a test.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Identifying Figurative language in novel
WALT: identify figurative language in novels
Today I drew a picture based on what we had to do for class on air.
I had to draw a picture that explained a personification I picked it out from the novel The City of Ember.
EXAMPLE: My Heart was pounding.
What is a Personification? Personification is when you give human qualities to nonhuman things.
I am glad I was able to finish my work and have a clear understanding on what a personification is.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Collaborative Mystery Solving
WALT: work collaboratively to solve a mystery 
Today for the middle session my friends and I did a DLO on our Collaborative Mystery Solving. My friends and I found this task pretty hard, because it was difficult to find out who was guilty and who was innocent however we were able to get the job done by sharing our ideas and helping each other. If you will like to see our work here is the link. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment down below.
Collaborative Mystery Solving,
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Adding and subtracting Integers
Today we did a Adding and subtracting math game. I worked with my friends Mya and Sita to solve out the easy questions that was given. I think that this task was really easy with the help of my friends. I hope next time we get to do something harder and challenging to solve so that we can learn more and get more better at new things. This was the game me and my friends did. Game. Thank you for viewing my Blog. 😀
Prototec 5/4/18
This morning my class and I did a test on prototec. I have been doing prototec a lot and I think I still have a lot to improve on. The test I did today was pretty easy however I know I can do better.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Bedmas Billionaire
Today for maths my group and I did a game which gives us difficult Bedmas questions. My group and I found this pretty hard because every question you get wrong you have to start all over again. We had a lot of difficulties but we were able to get through it and get the job done.
If you would like to play the game here is the link------> Bedmas Billionaire
Monday, 26 March 2018
WALT: solve word problems by using the best strategy we know
Today for the morning session my class and I did a DLO on our collaborative problem solving. My partner and I found this task pretty easy because we were able to help each other and we got the job done. I know in the future my partner and I will have a better understanding and more knowledge on more strategies for our DLO's.
Monday, 19 March 2018
Today for the first block of school my friends and I did a Bidmas game which is where you have to roll a dice and make a bidmas equation with the numbers you get. My friends and I found this task difficult because it was hard for us to make a equation out of the numbers we got however we learnt from each other and we now have a better understanding.
If you will like to try out the game here is the link---------> BidmasGame
If you have any questions you will like to ask me please leave a comment down below and hopefully you will enjoy my blog post. ❤
Bedmas Game💕
Today for the morning session my group and I did a Bedmas game which was pretty new to us. I found this game kinda of hard because the equations I had to solve were pretty hard however at the end I had a better understanding on how to use the right strategy.
If you will like to try out the game here is the link------> BedmasGame
Please leave a comment down below if you have any questions.
Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
My Global Audience
Today for the first block of school my class and I did a infographic on our Global Audience. Global Audience is when people from all over the Global visit your blog. We found this task pretty easy to do and the results of people from all over the world looking at our blogs was shocking.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Complex Sentence Activities
Today in the second session of school my friend and I played 2 games that taught us the importance, the rule and how to use a complex sentences. I felt that it was very easy. If you would like to play these games please-click here
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Collaborative Mystery Solving
Today for the morning session my group and I did a DLO on our Collaborative Mystery Solving. We found this pretty hard to understand who was guilty and who did the crime but with the teamwork we used it was simple.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Inference Riddle Game
_____> Game💖
Simple and Compound DLO
Simple and Compound sentences
Today for the middle block my class and I were learning how to make a simple and compound sentence. We also learnt the importance of the sentences and how to write them. I found this task quite easy because I was able to work with a partner and she was able to help me. If this page is to big or not clear enough click here .............> S&C 💖
Simple and Compound sentences,
Monday, 26 February 2018
Rags to Riches
Today for the middle block my group and I did a inference game. We did pretty well, as you can see we did complete it and won $1,000,00, however not in real life. All you have to do is answer 15 questions and every right answer you get the more money you get, but if you get it wrong then you have to start all over again with $200. My group and I really found this hard because we had to start again a lot of times but we did it and will improve more next time.
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Monday Collaborative problem solving
Today for the morning session Jolie and I did a DLO on collaborative problem solving. We found this task pretty easy because Jolie and I were able to help each other and learn from one another. The problems were easy to us because we have a better understanding on what strategies to use to solve a multiplication,division,addition or subtraction problem.
Today for the morning session Jolie and I did a DLO on collaborative problem solving. We found this task pretty easy because Jolie and I were able to help each other and learn from one another. The problems were easy to us because we have a better understanding on what strategies to use to solve a multiplication,division,addition or subtraction problem.
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Prototec 21.02.18

Today for maths my class and I did a prototec on timed. I am really happy on what I have got because I only got 1 wrong, so now I know how hard I will need to work to get 100%. Right now I am comfortable on Stage 7 but I know I can achieve more.
Monday, 19 February 2018
Prototec 20.02.2018
Today for maths my group and I did a prototec for the morning session, however I wanted to try something new. I did one prototec timed and another prototec with just the sheet. I wanted to compare my timed test and my sheet test so I can see if I will get the same score or a different score, and as you can see they were both different. I found this task pretty difficult mostly the timed test, but I know I can achieve my goal by paying attention in class and learning something new from other people.
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Collaborative Problem Solving-DLO (Digital Learning Object)
WALT: solve word problems by using the best strategy we know
Sunday, 11 February 2018
Collaborative Problem Solving
WALT: solve word problems by using the best strategy we know
Today for the morning session my partner and I did a DLO on our Collaborative problem solving.My partner and I found this task a bit hard but much more easier to understand at the end. I think Collaborative problem solving is important because it helps us to understand word problems and how to solve it, and the best thing is being in a group and learning from one another.
Collaborative Problem solving,
Expectations Graphics- Technology
Today for technology my group and I created a design on what our expectations are about graphics. As you can see my design was mainly made by a website called My design shows what I think Graphics is about. To me it is about Art,Shapes,Concentration,Hard work, and personality. I found this pretty hard, however I had to use my imagination which was the easy part.
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Collaborative Problem Solving
WALT-solve word problems by using the best strategy we know.
I found this task easy because we were able to use the strategies we knew and also we had a bunch of people to help one another. I think I can improve by paying more attention in class during maths, and have a companion to help me.
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Prototec 5/2/18
Today for the morning session, my class and I did a prototec. As you can see I got 85% on Stage 7 timed. I found this pretty hard, but I know I can do better in the future as I proceed to learn more. The most I struggled on was my percentages and fractions. I can improve by playing more math games, asking one of my family members for help or asking a friend.
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 4 Activity 1
Day 4: Perms and Lycra (The 1980’s)
Activity 1: Hairy Maclary
One of the most famous children’s stories to ever come out of New Zealand, Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy, was written by a kiwi woman named Lynley Dodd. The book was originally published in 1983. It is now sold in dozens of countries around the world. It features a small dog named Hairy.
On your blog, use the following sentence starter from the original book to finish the story.
“Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy…”
To earn full points, your story should have, at least, 8-10 sentences.
Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy. Hairy Maclary went down to G.I dairy. He waited for Mrs Ferry to buy a bunch of berries. She came out of the dairy looking quite scary. Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy went running to
Saint Mary. With tails in the air they trotted on down past the shops and the park to the far end of town. They sniffed at the smells and they snooped at each door, When suddenly, out of the shadows they saw Hairy Maclary and Saint Mary. They gathered there group and waddled on down to Mrs Ferry to see if she was at the dairy. They went on home to Mrs Ferry, and Hairy Maclary was finally home from donaldson's dairy.
Key Competencies
This week in Room 6 we learnt about the Key Competencies. They are important because they are very important because they help us as students have a peaceful and helpful environment. Using them in class will have you work hard, have a better attitude, and being a more humble person.
Wednesday, 3 January 2018
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 3 Activity 2
Activity 2: Bell Bottom Pants
Fashion in the 1970s was quite unique. Take a look at the pictures of a ‘typical’ 1970s outfit and tell us, on your blog, two things that you like about 1970s fashion and two things that you don’t like about the fashion of the day. I am not a huge fan of the patterned pants. What about you?
Things I like:
- I love their shoes it really brings out their dress, and I love how the men wore colourful t-shirts.
Things I dislike:
- I Dislike their hair styles, and I also dislike the patterns that are on their outfits.
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 3 Activity 1
Activity 1: Ready to Roll 
In the 1970s one of the most common television programmes was called ‘Ready to Roll.’ It was broadcast on Saturday afternoons and hosted by a man named Roger Gascoigne. During the show, Roger would introduce music videos and then play them for the TV audience. He also invited famous people to come onto the show and perform songs that were currently popular.
Watch the following three clips that were shown on the Ready to Roll programme:
When you have finished, rank the clips in order from your most favourite (#1) to your least favourite (#3). Post your rankings on your blog.
Monday, 1 January 2018
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 2 Bonus Activity
Bonus Activity: The Three Rs - Rugby, Racing and Running
In the 1960s, sport in New Zealand was dominated by the three R’s – rugby, racing and running. The national rugby team, the All Blacks, had a great decade, winning 36 of the 40 games that they played. Many kiwis also spent their week-ends at the local racetrack and, in 1960, Peter Snell won a gold medal in the 800m race at the Olympic Games in Rome, Italy. He followed this up with two more gold medals in the 800m and 1500m races at the 1964 Olympic Games.
Watch this documentary about Peter Snell and then create a one-page poster on Canva* about this famous kiwi runner. Be sure to include a picture of Peter along with information about his interests and other sporting accomplishments.
*You will need to register on the Canva website in order to use it. To register, first you will need to choose your poster template from the homepage. This will bring up the sign-in page. Click on the ‘Register with Email’ button and enter your details.
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 2 Activity 2
Activity 2: Rock ‘n’ Roll
Famous bands also started travelling across the world and in 1964, New Zealand hosted, arguably the most popular band of the time, The Beatles.
People were very excited to see The Beatles, and the hype around the band was known as Beatle-Mania (similar to the modern-day Bieber-Fever)!
Read about their tour of New Zealand below, and then post three interesting facts about The Beatles Tour on your blog.
3 interesting facts about the Beatles:
- The Beatles first stop in New Zealand was Wellington in June 21 1964
- The Beatles had to be taken in secretly through the bottle shop entrance of the hotel.
- Away from all the fuss, two of the band members took the chance to catch up with family
Summer Learning Journey Week 3 Day 2 Activity 1
Day 2: Peace Out! (The 1960s)
Activity 1: The Dawn of Television
In the 1960s there was a great deal of change in New Zealand. Technology was evolving and the television was introduced for the first time into New Zealand homes in the 1960s. Popular programmes included Town and Around and C’mon. Television remains popular to this day.
What is your favourite television show at the moment? On your blog tell us about your favourite television show. What is it about? Who are the main characters? What channel is it on?
This TV show is starring to twins name: Zack and Cody
It is a funny TV show about 2 twins going on fun adventures and end up in a lot of trouble, however they have amazing friends name: Bailey, Woody, and London.
This TV show is on Disney Channel.
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