
Monday, 28 May 2018

Collaborative Mystery Solving

WALT:  Work collaboratively to solve a mystery  
Today for the middle block we created a DLO on our Collaborative Mystery Solving. We did this by using clues and accusations to state whether if he was guilty or involved in the crime. We found this task pretty easy but hard at the same time because we had some arguments about certain people, however we were able to get it done and over with.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

WALT:Solve word problems using the best strategy we know

Today for the morning session my friend and I did a DLO on our Collaborative Problem Solving.We found this pretty easy because we were able to read the question and understand what problem it was if it was addition, subtraction and so on.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

WALT-understand new vocabulary

Today for the middle session I had to read a story and for the words that I did not know or didn't understand I had to write 3 new vocabulary and I had to find out what was the meaning to that word and put it into one whole sentence. I found this task pretty easy because I was able to find out what the word meant and I was able to get my work done with.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Why people visit New Zealand

WALT:understand why tourists come to NZ

Today we started our inquiry topic for this term. This terms topic is tourism in New Zealand. For this activity we had to come up with ideas for reasons why tourists come to New Zealand. Not only that we also had to group them into categories.