
Thursday, 28 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 4 Activity 2

Activity 2:  A Call to Arms
Over the course of WWII, approximately 140,000 New Zealanders were sent overseas to serve in the war. Many were sent to fight in huge battles, including the Battle of the Atlantic that lasted for 2064 days (over 5 years)! The Battle of the Atlantic came to an end in 1943, in large part due to the heroic efforts of people like Lloyd Trigg, a pilot from New Zealand. He was awarded a special medal from the New Zealand Government for his bravery. It is called a Victoria Cross (‘VC’ for short). A total of 22 New Zealanders have been awarded VCs.

Click on this link to find a list of VC winners. Choose one from the Second World War, and read about him. On your blog tell us about him. Who was he? What did he do to earn a Victoria Cross medal?
James Ward
The person I was likely to choose was James Ward. 
This man was the first New Zealand airman to recieve a VC.  He received his medal by climbing out of a plane onto the wing which technically was on fire, so James Ward went out of the plane and smothered the fire. Two months later after the incident , James Ward was announced dead when he was at his controls of his burning plane after it was hit.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

My name is Davarni and I am from Gelnbrae school.
I stumbled upon your blog and decided to look through your posts. Great work on Day 4 Activity 2, I wish you the best and hope you keep up the great work.


Nicky Bloy said...

Hey Sarah!

Great work on this post! James Ward was absolutely a brave and courageous soldier! What he did sounds like something out of an action movie which is crazy. Isn't is awesome that because of their brave acts and efforts, we can live in freedom from war in New Zealand today?

My poppa served in the war as a medic. Did you have any family that served in the war?

Nicky :)

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