
Thursday 28 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5 Activity 2

Activity 2: Making a Fashion Statement
In the years following World War II, things slowly returned to normal in New Zealand. Soldiers returned home and settled back into regular life; and national sporting teams, like the New Zealand cricket team, got back together and started playing matches again. In the late 1940s, men and women would go to watch these events, men wearing hats and suits and women wearing dresses, hats, and gloves.

Compare the pictures of common clothing from the late 1940s to what you wear now (i.e. in 2017). Are they similar or are they quite different?

On your blog tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why. The pictures above were taken over 65 years ago! What do you think people will be wearing 65 years from now?

I prefer the designs and the clothes we are wearing now because what we wear now is very comfortable and helpful for certain types of things, on the other hand being in dresses every single day is kind of uncomfortable For Example: When it is cold your legs would freeze in the death of snow or the weather. I obviously do not know what we will be wearing in 65 years,All I know is that it will be the new fashion and it will be fabulous. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah
You have some great points... Would you consider wearing the 1940's clothes and why??

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah
I can really see the all of the hard work that you have put into this activity. I also am doing the summer learning journey on my blog. What was your favrioute part about this activity? Why?

Nicky Bloy said...

Hi Sarah!

You make some really good points about the 1940's fashion! I agree, it is not very versatile and not get for all kinds of weather and occasions. Now, we have so much more choice and freedom to wear what we like and it makes sense because times are changing and so style goes with it!

What kind of clothing or fashion do you like at the moment?

You're right! We don't know what it will look like in 65 years from now, but it will surely be different from today. I'm sure it will be fabulous, too :)


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